The Braille Monitor is the leading publication of the National Federation of the Blind. It covers the events and activities of the NFB and addresses the many issues and concerns of the blind.
The Braille Monitor offers a positive philosophy about blindness to both blind readers and the public at large; serves as a vehicle for advocacy and protection of civil rights; addresses social concerns affecting the blind; discusses issues relating to employment, education, legislation, and rehabilitation; and provides news of products and technology used by the blind.
To learn more about our flagship publication, consider Kenneth Jernigan's 1993 article entitled, "Concerning History and the Braille Monitor."
NOW AVAILABLE: The May 2008 Braille Monitor!
Eleven issues of the Monitor are published each year (August and September are combined into one issue and cover our annual national convention). Subscriptions are available in large print (14-point), in Braille, on 2- or 4-track cassette, or via e-mail. Braille Monitor subscriptions cost the Federation about $25.00 per year. Members are invited, and nonmembers are requested, to cover the subscription cost as follows: $25.00 domestic; $35.00 Canadian; and $75.00 foreign. Donations should be made payable to the National Federation of the Blind, and sent to the NFB, attention Braille Monitor, 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21230.
Print, Braille, and Cassette Subscriptions
To subscribe or change your mailing address, please contact the NFB by mail, phone (410-659-9314, ext. 2344), or e-mail ( Please indicate which format you would like to receive: large print, Braille, 2-track cassette, or 4-track cassette only (for e-mail subscriptions, please see below).
E-mail Subscriptions
If you would like to receive the magazine electronically for free, you may sign up online to receive the Braille Monitor by e-mail. (Please note: This is the only way to sign up to receive the Braille Monitor by e-mail.)
Submitting Material
Articles for the Monitor and letters to the editor may be sent to the NFB, attention Barbara Pierce, 1800 Johnson Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21230 or may be e-mailed to the editor, Barbara Pierce.
Ordering Back Issues
Monthly issues are available to order from January of 1978 to the present in Braille and in print. Issues from August of 1985 to the present are also available on 4-track cassette. Visit the Independence Market's Literature listing under Publications for more information about ordering back issues.
Online Recordings
The February 2007 issue of the Braille Monitor marks the beginning of a new era: In this issue, and those following, the same Braille Monitor recordings available on cassette are now available as MP3 files online. Follow the online access links to the appropriate issue, and then look for the MP3 file listed beside each article in the table of contents. Enjoy!
Online Access
Copies of the Braille Monitor from 1987 to the present are available immediately via our online directory.
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Kamis, Mei 15, 2008
Braille Monitor By NFB
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Hamzah M.Yamin
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